Inclusive Education Services (NIES)
Psychological Services
High Incidence Needs Team
Careers Guidance
Support for SENCos
The Senior Team
[tmm name="send-senior-team"]
The 6 Lead SENCOs are a SENCO's point of contact for:
- Peer support
- General queries relating to SEND, including offering advice and guidance on statutory /LA processes (such as support service requests, EHCPs and annual review)
- Signposting support
- Providing new SENCo support
- Training support and sharing best practice
- Ofsted preparation and information sharing
- A link to Northumberland’s SEND teams as appropriate.
[tmm name="lead-sencos"]
SEND Advisors
3 SEND Advisors have been appointed to support:
- In implementing the Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance
- In ensuring inclusive culture, supported by effective strategies and practice, for learners with an EHCP
- In developing, delivering and evidencing effective cycles of support
- In using evidence from cycles of support to create and submit a COSA
- Where a COSA has been declined.
[tmm name="send-advisors"]
Ordinarily Available Provision
The support that mainstream schools/settings should be able to provide for a child or young person through their agreed funding and resource arrangements
Guidance on specialist provision in mainstream schools
EHCP Needs Assessment (COSA)
SEND Support
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SEND Service Referral Forms
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Padlets curated and updated by the team
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SEND Training Brochure
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