Support for Schools - Religious Education

Northumberland SACRE launched a new syllabus in June 2022, with full implementation expected by September 2023.

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The Northumberland agreed syllabus for religious education 2022-2027 was adopted from RE Today.

It is the syllabus to be used by all community schools and is recommended for, academies and free schools. Schools that attended the launch day in June 2022 received a hard copy.

Schools that still require a hard copy should contact Dave Cookson (Lead Officer for SACRE)

An extract from the agreed syllabus is available here. Schools are welcome to add this extract to their websites.

To comply with copyright requirements the agreed syllabus licensed for use in Northumberland schools must not be distributed to schools or teachers working outside of/beyond the local authority.

Inspection Support:

What Makes a Good Curriculum?

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