What are alliances?

Alliances are simply group of schools who choose to work more closely together to support not only their own pupils and staff, but those in other alliance schools.  ​

We have examples in Northumberland where the very close working of groups of schools generates capacity and improvement in all schools. This shared endeavour builds networks across schools and reduces the pressure on individual staff.

Teachers and leaders in strong alliances can share evidence-based approaches and benefit from shared high quality professional development to improve outcomes for children. Strong alliances may also achieve economies of scale, sharing resources, and centralising functions in order to build resilience and save time and money to reinvest into education. As a result of these benefits, our alliances should achieve strong educational outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged children.

Alliances in Northumberland

Statutory Policies

(hyperlinks are in green)

Admission arrangements Jill Atkinson Northumberland County Council - School admissions, places & appeals Annual renewal School admissions code - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Behaviour and written statement of principles Jill Atkinson No model policy available due to the bespoke culture and ethos in each school which informs the document. Annual renewal Behaviour and discipline in schools guidance for governing bodies - GOV.UK
School exclusions Jill Atkinson No model policy available due to the bespoke culture and ethos in each school which informs the document. Annual renewal School exclusion GOV.UK
Careers guidance Paul Tallent Please email Paul Tallent (Primary Facilitator at North East Combined Authority) for further support. Annual renewal Careers guidance provision for young people in schools GOV.UK
Charging and remissions School Governance & Data Protection Team NCC Recommended to follow gov.uk advice. Annual renewal Charging for school activities GOV.UK
Data protection privacy notice School Governance & Data Protection Team NCC Live document available to schools that buy in to the GDPR SLA. Annual renewal Data protection and privacy notices GOV.UK
Equality objectives Gill Finch Part of the School Improvement SLA Every 4 years Equality act 2010 advice for schools GOV.UK
Governors' allowances (part 6) School Governance & Data Protection Team NCC Draft document available upon request for schools that buy in to the SLA. Annual renewal School governance regulations 2013 GOV.UK
Health & safety Health & Safety SLA School Policies (H&S Sharepoint) Annual renewal Health and safety advice for schools GOV.UK
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