What are alliances?

Alliances are simply group of schools who choose to work more closely together to support not only their own pupils and staff, but those in other alliance schools.  

We have examples in Northumberland where the very close working of groups of schools generates capacity and improvement in all schools. This shared endeavour builds networks across schools and reduces the pressure on individual staff.

Teachers and leaders in strong alliances can share evidence-based approaches and benefit from shared high quality professional development to improve outcomes for children. Strong alliances may also achieve economies of scale, sharing resources, and centralising functions in order to build resilience and save time and money to reinvest into education. As a result of these benefits, our alliances should achieve strong educational outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged children.

Alliances in Northumberland

Statutory Policies

The DfE provide a list of statutory policies that schools must produce. The list for maintained schools is published here (and for academies here). To help ease the burden those policies (for maintained schools) are outlined below, along with who you can contact for support and/or a model policy if it is available. (hyperlinks are in green)

Some policies need to be on your school website. the final column of the table indicates if this is the case or not.

Admission arrangements Jill Atkinson Northumberland County Council - School admissions, places & appeals Annual School admissions code - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) Yes
Behaviour and written statement of principles Jill Atkinson No model policy available due to the bespoke culture and ethos in each school which informs the document. Annual Behaviour and discipline in schools guidance for governing bodies - GOV.UK The behaviour policy needs to be published on the website
School exclusions Jill Atkinson No model policy available due to the bespoke culture and ethos in each school which informs the document. Annual School exclusion GOV.UK
Careers guidance Paul Tallent The North East Ambition Primary Network doc (click here). Please email Paul Tallent (Primary Facilitator at North East Combined Authority) for further support. Annual Careers guidance provision for young people in schools GOV.UK Middle/secondary/high schools must publish information about how they deliver careers guidance to pupils in years 7 to 13.
Charging and remissions School Governance & Data Protection Team NCC Recommended to follow gov.uk advice. Annual Charging for school activities GOV.UK Schools must publish their charging policy
Data protection privacy notice School Governance & Data Protection Team NCC Live document available to schools that buy in to the GDPR SLA. Annual Data protection and privacy notices GOV.UK
Equality objectives Gill Finch Part of the School Improvement SLA Every 4 years Equality act 2010 advice for schools GOV.UK Schools must publish: 1) details of how they comply with the public sector equality duty (updated annually) 2) their equality objectives (updated every 4 years)
Governors' allowances (part 6) School Governance & Data Protection Team NCC Draft document available upon request for schools that buy in to the SLA. Annual School governance regulations 2013 GOV.UK
Health & safety Health & Safety SLA School Policies (H&S Sharepoint) Annual Health and safety advice for schools GOV.UK
Premises Management No model policy provided Annual Good estate management for school / The fundamentals of good estate management GOV.UK
Relationships and sex education and health education Gill Finch No model policy provided. Schools that buy in to the School Improvement SLA may contact Gill Finch for support. Please also see ' What should be included in our school RSE policy? | sexeducationforum.org.uk ' Annual Relationships education relationships and sex education rse and health education GOV.UK
Safeguarding and child protection Carol Leckie Please consult the CP & SG Policy document available on the Virtual School & Safeguarding Sharepoint. If you do not wish to use this template a checklist is also available. Annual Keeping Children Safe In Education 2 GOV.UK
School attendance Sarah Wintringham Model Policy Annual Working together to improve school attendance GOV.UK
School complaints School Governance & Data Protection Team NCC Procedure shared with schools that buy in to the SLA by their appointed School Governance Officer. Annual For further information and support please contact Vicki Evans Complaints policy - yes. Also, as part of the SEN information report you must also publish the details of any arrangements for handling complaints from parents and carers about the support they provide for pupils with special educational needs (SEN).
School uniforms No policy provided Annual School uniforms GOV.UK Yes
Special educational needs and disability No policy provided Annual SEND code of practice 0-25 GOV.UK Schools must publish their SEN information report.
Staff behaviour and grievance Schools HR Schools HR sharepoint Annual Staffing and employment advice for schools GOV.UK
Support for pupils with medical conditions Health & Safety SLA Supporting Children with Medical Conditions (Health & Safety SharePoint) Annual Supporting Children with Medical Conditions GOV.UK
Teachers' pay Schools HR Schools HR sharepoint Annual School teachers pay and conditions GOV.UK
Teachers' performance and capability Schools HR Schools HR sharepoint Annual Teacher appraisal and capability model policy GOV.UK
School Emergency Plan Health & Safety SLA School emergency planning (Health & Safety Sharepoint) Annual Emergency planning and response for education childcare and childrens social care settings GOV.UK

The Equality Act 2010 requires schools to produce an accessibility plan (see Schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010). This plan should outline how the school will:

*   Increase the extent to which disabled students can participate in the curriculum.
*   Improve the physical environment of the school to enable disabled students to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided.
*   Improve the delivery of information to disabled students.

While the Equality Act doesn't specifically state a timeframe for review, the Department for Education (DfE) recommend or always recommended reviewing the plan at least once every three years. Many schools choose to follow this recommendation.

It's important to remember that schools must also update their plan if any significant changes occur, such as building modifications or changes to the curriculum.

You can access support with producing an accessibility plan from Gill Finch.

What maintained schools must or should publish online

 In addition to the policies above schools must publish particular information on their website. The latest guidance is here (for maintained schools) and here (for academies).

Offers for alliances

The School Improvement Team have brokered a number of opportunities for alliance schools. You can see what is available here.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions or queries, or would like to join an alliance, please contact Dave Cookson

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