For action
Action for all settings: Get involved with National Apprenticeship Week 2024
Schools, colleges, employers, and individuals are being encouraged to participate in National Apprenticeship Week which takes place on 5 to 11 February 2024 and celebrates the achievements of apprentices from all over the country.
You can get involved by:
This is a great opportunity to celebrate the benefits that apprentices offer, how they are bringing innovation to businesses, filling skills gaps, and helping to grow the economy. Please get involved to help make National Apprenticeship Week 2024 the biggest and best yet.
Action for all settings: Call for Evidence on Local Criminal Justice Boards
The Ministry of Justice launched a Call for Evidence on Local Criminal Justice Boards (LCJBs) on 8 January 2024, to better understand the challenges that LCJBs face and inform future policy. The Call for Evidence will be live until 23 February 2024 and can be accessed here.
It is important that we obtain a wide range of views, and we are particularly keen to hear from those in local education, local authorities, and social care settings.
We are also holding a virtual roundtable session via Microsoft Teams on 12 February 2024 between 12:00pm to 1:30pm. Please note that there will be a limited number of spaces, so if you are interested in taking part, please let us know via email,
If you have any queries relating to this Call for Evidence, please contact the Criminal Justice Insights team via:
Action for all settings: Complete our survey on sustainability issues in education
TPXimpact, on behalf of the department, are conducting research to understand how a Digital Support Hub could support education settings to progress with sustainability.
To get this right, it is essential that they understand the opinions of people within the education sector. They are looking for responses from people who are currently:
- working or volunteering at a nursery, school, college or university
- studying at a college or university
- a parent, carer or guardian of a child or young person in an education setting
- employed by a local authority and involved in schools
Complete the short survey to have your say on sustainability issues being a priority in education. The survey will close on 7 February 2024.
Please email if you need help completing the survey form.
If you know anyone else who could take part in this survey, please forward it on.
Action for early years settings: Upload your vacancies to the Find a Job platform ahead of our national recruitment campaign
The department’s campaign to promote early years (EY) and childcare careers launches soon. The campaign aims to highlight the difference EY professionals make to children and how rewarding working in the sector can be.
The campaign will direct applicants to use the Department for Work and Pensions’ Find a Job platform to search for EY roles in their area. We would be grateful for your support in ensuring as many EY vacancies as possible are listed on Find a Job ahead of the campaign launch.
Please watch these video tutorials to help you create an employer account, and post any current or upcoming roles in your setting. You should use the term ‘early years’ in the title of your job adverts and select ‘Education jobs’ for the job category.
Since the January opening of the registration process for the expanded entitlements offer, we have seen a high level of demand from parents. The Find a Job service is free to use and will ensure your vacancies are seen by a large pool of candidates.
Action for schools: Deliver a school week of at least 32.5 hours by September 2024
In the Schools White Paper (published in March 2022), the government announced that in order to give every pupil the opportunity to achieve their full academic potential, all mainstream, state-funded schools would be expected to deliver a minimum school week of 32.5 hours.
Schools are reminded that the deadline to implement the minimum school week is September 2024. Guidance and case studies are available to support schools that are not yet meeting the minimum expectation.
Action for schools: Participate in the third wave of the Working Lives of Teachers and Leaders survey
This article will be of interest to teachers and school leaders
We are launching the third wave of the Working Lives of Teachers and Leaders survey on 29 January 2024.
The survey is crucial to help us understand the working lives of teachers and school leaders, and is an opportunity for you to share your experiences and views. The year 1 report is available for you to view and the year 2 report will be available later this year. Findings from the third wave of the study will allow for important comparisons to previous waves, and help us understand if there have been any changes in teachers’ and leaders’ experiences.
Invitations will be sent by letter, email, or telephone from IFF Research and we would welcome your participation, which is entirely voluntary.
For more information about the survey, including participant anonymity, data linking, GDPR and other FAQs, please visit the survey website or email us.
Action for schools: Contribute to national research on how schools are implementing tutoring
ImpactEd Evaluation is looking for schools and trusts to volunteer to take part in research to help us understand how tutoring is being implemented and its impact.
In return for sharing termly data about the tutoring you have delivered, you will receive free access to ImpactEd’s digital platform which supports schools to monitor and evaluate tutoring and other school priorities.
Find out more and register interest in becoming a tutoring research partner. To ensure participation in this round of research, please register your interest by 7 February 2024
News and developments
Information for all settings: Reminder to request a free portrait of His Majesty King Charles III
The government has launched a scheme to allow public authorities across the UK to apply for a free portrait of His Majesty King Charles III to celebrate the new reign. We can now share the approved image of His Majesty that will be delivered in an oak framed portrait.
Eligible settings should request their portrait by 2 February 2024.
For questions about the portrait and the scheme itself refer to the FAQs or email
Information for all settings: Guidance on Trade Union (Deduction of Union Subscriptions from Wages in the Public Sector) Regulations
The Trade Union (Deduction of Union Subscriptions from Wages in the Public Sector) Regulations, also known as the ‘Check-off Regulations’ are coming into force on 9 May 2024.
Any employers who have employees who pay union subscriptions via a direct deduction from their wages, should ensure compliance with the new regulations by 9 May 2024, and may wish to use this guidance for public sector organisations to support this.
Information for all settings: Participate in Safer Internet Day 2024
Safer Internet Day on 6 February 2024 is centred around the theme ‘Inspiring Change: Making a Difference, Managing Influence, and Navigating Change Online.’
Join the celebration alongside thousands of other organisations to advocate for the safe, responsible, and positive use of digital technology among children and young people.
A variety of complimentary educational resources are available, specifically designed to assist educators in conveying messages about the campaign theme of navigating change online.
Information for early years settings and schools with early years provision: New content published on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile communications page
The department’s EYFS Profile communications page on Foundation Years provides teachers with support to complete the EYFS Profile. It will be updated regularly throughout the 2023/24 academic year.
Each update will cover a new area of the Profile, focusing on topics the sector has asked for more information on.
The most recent update provides information on exemptions from the EYFS learning and development requirements, including individual and provider exemptions.
Information for schools and further education settings: Guidance and resources on senior mental health lead training grant
The department’s senior mental health (MH) lead training develops the knowledge and skills to implement a whole school or college approach to supporting the MH and wellbeing of pupils, learners and staff. Choose the right course for you.
Claim your training grant, or a second grant in the event that your trained MH lead has left.
Access a new whole school or college approach resource hub, and a toolkit for providing targeted mental wellbeing support.
Information for schools: New attendance campaign to remind parents that ‘moments matter, attendance counts’
This article will be of interest to senior leaders and attendance leads
Minister for Schools Damian Hinds, has written to governors and trustees thanking them for their dedication to making schools and trusts a great place for children to learn and ensuring they attend school. The letter asks governing boards to support the department’s new attendance campaign – reminding parents that ‘moments matter, attendance counts’, and setting out practical steps governors can take to encourage good attendance. |