Primary Support Bases and Specialist Support Bases

NQT Teachers

Primary Support Bases (PSBs) are designed as short term 'turn around' facilities where learners are educated at a different mainstream school for a period of time.

Learners return to their home school after a maximum of 20 weeks.

A firm reintegration plan is agreed and signed by both schools before the placement occurs. PSBs are not designed for EHCP learners.

Allocations are made through the Inclusion Panel. Once offered a place the home school pays £75 per day to place a learner paid from their current school funds.

PSB learners are dual registered. This is just to support their physical registration at the PSB (so they can record it electronically.) The learner does not move roll. With dual registration the home school remain responsible for all aspects of the child's education and receive their funding. 

The PSBs is located at:

Specialist Support Bases (SSBs) are exclusively for EHCP learners.

They deliver specialist teaching and support but on a mainstream school site. They are medium to long term permanent placements. SSB learners move to the full roll of the SSB school.

Places are funded through element 1 funding, additional notional and top up. Allocation of places is through the Specialist Placement Panel. 

SSBs are located at:


If you would like further information on PSBs or SSBs please contact David Street

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