Applications for Early Years and School places
Currently we believe that Ukrainian families with nursery and school age children moving to Northumberland will be arriving at individual households across the County over an unspecified period of time. We do not currently expect vast numbers to arrive in one location at one time, but should that change, we will ensure we maintain our service to all applicants.
School Places
The advice for Ukrainian families who need school places is to apply in the usual manner for in-year transfers.
- Families can apply online here.
Applications will be considered alongside all other mainstream applications and places will be offered in accordance with each school’s published admissions rules. However, in exceptional circumstances if an area emerges where it is difficult to offer children places due to a lack of available space, we will refer such cases to our Fair Access Panel or liaise with schools directly to see if additional places can be made available.
For any school application queries, the School Admissions Team can be contacted on 01670624889 or by email at
Early Years
The advice for Ukrainian families who need Early Years places is to approach local providers directly if they are aware of them, consult the Family Information Directory at Families information to find local providers or to contact for help locating a place.
Further updates will be issued as and when the overall demand for places becomes clearer.
Information, advice and guidance can also be accessed using the links below.
Please do contact us if you have any further queries
If you have any questions related to transition support or if you think a family would benefit from assistance with the application process you can also contact Ian Luke, our, Traveller, Refugee and Asylum Education Lead Practitioner
Many thanks for your support and help for children and their families in these challenging times. It is very much appreciated.