Evidence-Based School Improvement

NorthEd White

"Improving teacher quality requires investing in the teachers we already have."

"The key is creating a culture of improvement and focusing their improvement efforts on the things that benefit students most."

Everything works somewhere; nothing works everywhere.

Dylan Wiliam (Creating the Schools Our Children Need: Why What We're Doing Now Won't Help Much (And What We Can Do Instead) 

Research will never tell school leaders exactly what they need to do to improve their schools. However it can help to narrow down the options. There is a wealth of advice and guidance available; here we try to point you in the direction of some of the more reliable options.

The EEF is a charity designed to support teachers and senior leaders to raise attainment and close the disadvantage gap – which roots its response to this educational challenge in the best available evidence.

At the heart of the Evidence Based Education toolkit is the Model for Great Teaching – the things teachers know, do and believe that research has shown to make the biggest difference to student learning. It can be thought of as a curriculum for teacher learning.

Newcastle Research School is part of Newcastle East mixed multi Academy Trust, based in the East End of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Research Schools Network is a collaboration (EEF and IEE) to create a network of schools that support the use of evidence to improve teaching practice.

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