New Local Offer website for families caring for children and young people with SEND goes live

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We’re really excited to share with you Northumberland’s new local offer website for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). 

The SEND local offer provides a wide range of information about all the support and facilities which families can expect to find in their area for children and young people aged 0-25 who have additional needs. 

The local offer brings together information about services including: 

  • education
  • health 
  • social care
  • sport and leisure
  • transport
  • preparation for adulthood

This week also sees the launch of a six-week consultation on the future of services for children and young people with SEND in Northumberland

Families are encouraged to have their say by completing an online survey through the local offer website and sharing their experiences about what is working well and what needs to change. 

We would appreciate your help to share the SEND local offer website and consultation with families.

The attached communication toolkit contains information and resources to help you spread the world about the local offer. 

You can find the new website and read more here

Thank you for your support and please get in touch if you would like more information. 

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