Check out the new Health and Safety Information Portal. This replaces the previous webpage operated by the Corporate Health and Safety Team.
The portal has lots of useful information, including a ‘Meet the Team’ section, links to the Health and Safety Manual, Fire Log book and details on accident, near miss or violent incident reporting. There is a school specific section where you can find documents such as model risk assessments, school specific policies and the school health and safety newsletter.
The portal is available to schools which have signed up to the Health and Safety SLA – we just need to authorise access for individuals once, via this form, then you’re free to use the portal at any time! You can also access it via the Northumberland Education Sharepoint Hub
There is also a poster available telling staff how to access the portal. Please arrange for this to be printed out and added to your staff noticeboard, ideally next to your ‘health and safety law poster.’ If you have a central file of health and safety documentation and information, it can also be added to this.
We’d love your feedback – please use the feedback button on the portal and your comments and suggestions will be fed back to the team.