Autumn Senior Leader Briefing (North)
Aimed at: Headteachers/senior leaders in Northumberland schools
Delivered by: School Improvement Team and guest speakers
Format: Face to face
Attendance Fee: Free to schools in the School Improvement SLA, £20 per person for schools not in the SLA
Content: Senior leader briefings are designed to provide information and updates to headteachers/senior leaders, and give those attending the time and space to see colleagues and discuss pressing issues. The content will be the same at the North, Central and West meetings so you only need to attend one.
Agenda: to follow
Location: Bell View Resource Centre (33 West St, Belford NE70 7QB)
Timings: 9am – 11.30am (coffee from 8.30am)
Contact: Dave Cookson
Please book your place below.