Education Policy and Research Service June 2024

Dear Colleagues

I am pleased to bring you the June summaries – a wide range of themes which will, I hope offer something of interest to you all. As we draw ever closer to the election, my list this month begins with a report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies which I think gives a good impartial overview of the state of the education system which the next government will inherit. The next government may also want to check out EDKS’s ambitious vision for reform of the curriculum and assessment system. Other themes this month include teacher professional development, inclusion in higher education, and teacher recruitment and retention. There is a curricular focus on literacy this month with an interesting report on children’s attitudes to writing.

EPRS 23/24 91 The state of education: what awaits the next government?

This report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies explores the current state of the education system in England and sets out the key challenges which the next government will face.All Phases

EPRS 23/24 92 Children and young people’s writing in 2024

This report from the National Literacy Trust presents findings from the Annual Literacy Survey on children’s attitudes to writing.Literacy; Primary; Secondary

EPRS 23/24 93 Independent review of teachers’ professional development in schools: phase 1 findings

This report from Ofsted presents findings from the first phase of an independent review of teachers’ professional development.Primary; Secondary

EPRS 23/24 94 Ofqual’s approach to regulating the use of artificial intelligence in the qualifications sector

This report from Ofqual lays out the key principles which underpin its approach to the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI).Secondary; Further Education; Post-16

EPRS 23/24 95 The ongoing impact of the cost-of-living crisis on schools

This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research explores the nature and impact of the ongoing financial challenges faced by schools in England.Primary; Secondary

EPRS 23/24 96 Evolution and Revolution: A 10-year plan to reform the curriculum and assessment system in England

This report from the EDSK think tank critiques assessment and curriculum in primary and secondary education of the current primary and secondary education system. It concludes with a series of recommendations.Primary; Post-16; Secondary

EPRS 23/24 97 An alternative route: Post-16 support for young people attending alternative provision

This report from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner explores how well young people in alternative provision are supported in transitioning to work or further education.Post-16; Further Education; Higher Education

EPRS 23/24 98 Teacher recruitment, training, and retention

This report from the House of Commons Education Committee presents findings from a recent inquiry into teacher recruitment and retention.Primary; Post-16; Secondary

EPRS 23/24 99 Navigating financial challenges in higher education

This report from the Office for Students (OfS) outlines the main financial risks currently facing the higher education sector.Post-16; Further Education; Higher Education

EPRS 23/24 100 Higher education teachers’ understandings of and challenges for inclusion and inclusive learning environments: A systematic literature review

This report which was recently published in the Educational Research Review explores higher education teachers’ understandings and practices of inclusion, and addresses some of the perceived challenges which they face in creating an inclusive learning environment.Post-16; Further Education; Higher Education

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