Developing an action plan for inclusion in the North-East

Wednesday 4th December 2024, 10:00– 15.00. In-person, Dolphin Centre, Horse Market, Darlington DL1 5RP

About this event
Under the RISE programme, funded by the Department for Education and in partnership with NE ADCS, the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) has been invited by regional leaders in the North-East Region to deliver a full day, in-person workshop. Invitees are key stakeholders from all local area partnerships in the North-East Region, and include various agencies (including education, health & parent carers) to develop a regional action plan for improving inclusion across the North-East and align with the aims of the North-East Region Inclusion Statement.

Event details
This workshop will include presentations and group discussions on the following topics:

  • Presentation from local colleagues on the Inclusion Statement work.
  • Introduction to an Outcomes-Based Accountability approach, examples of good practice and its application within Inclusion in Schools and the Equality Act.
  • Presentation on the current national context of Inclusion in Schools.
  • Presentation on “Turning the Curve”, a key element within the Outcomes-Based Accountability approach and the need to focus on key data indicators to inform strategies. Presentation and discussion about data indicators and what they tell us, turning data into intelligence.
  • Discussion and identification of key themes and data to “turn the curve” and reduce permanent exclusions and suspensions in the North-East.
  • Discussion of strengths and challenges in embedding inclusive practices and processes across the region.
  • Discussion to develop an action plan which will support the implementation of the Inclusion Statement.

If you would like to attend please contact Caroline West via by 3pm on Wednesday 26 November.

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