Our SEND Local Offer is now live!
The Local Offer website has been developed with Northumberland Parent Carer Forum and is packed with information, resources and advice on support and services for children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities.
Please take a look, you can access it here Northumberland SEND Local Offer
Please signpost to families you support and colleagues you work with across Northumberland.
Secondly, we are beginning to work on a new SEND plan for the next three years. We want to understand what is working well for children and young people with SEND and what we need to develop or do differently.
We have worked with Northumberland Parent Carer Forum to develop a SEND Survey to hear what parents and carers think the priorities in SEND should be over the next three years. The survey is anonymous, takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and can be accessed through the Local Offer or through this link.
SEND Survey: Planning the future of SEND – Have Your Say Northumberland – Citizen Space
We want to hear from as many parents and carers as possible, so please complete this yourself if you have a child with additional needs and please signpost to as many parents and carers as possible.
Attached is a Local Offer poster that could be printed out and displayed in as many different places as possible!